This is a written guide to installing UGX Mod Standalone v1.0.3 to your modtools installation. This guide
is not to be used for adding UGX Mod to someone else's map that you have downloaded.
German YouTube Video for v1.0.3
Spanish PDF File for v1.0.3
Before you begin, there are some requirements to be met before UGX Mod can be installed to a map:
Once you have met those requirements, the next step is to download UGX Mod Standalone.
Download these files:
Now that you have downloaded UGX Mod Standalone, extract the contents into a folder somewhere on your computer (See figure 1).
Fig. 1 UGX Mod Standalone extracted to a folder somewhere.
You will notice that there are 5 folders and a zip file contained within the extracted folder.
Now that you know what all of these folders contain, it is time to install them to your root folder.
Now that you have renamed your files and folders from mapname to your map's actual name, it is time to copy the files into your root directory:
Now that all UGX Mod assets have been copied into your root folder, you are ready to start configuring UGX Mod.
Open root/raw/ui/ with any Text Editor you prefer. At the top of the file, you will see 3 configurable user settings for your map:
UGX_USER_MAPNAME | This should be set to the same name you named the mapname folder in section 2 of this guide. It is also the name you use to boot the map from the in-game console. If your mod folder name is different from the name you use to boot the map (which is unlikely but still works fine), use the name of the map , not the of the folder. For this example I will need to use "ugx_mod_install". |
UGX_USER_MAPNAME_STRING | This should be set to the "official" name of your map. For this example I will be using "UGX Mod Test Installation", but you may set it to whatever you like. |
UGX_ENABLE_CONSOLE | Setting this to 1 will enable use of the in-game console. Setting it to 0 will effectively disable the in-game console. This should be set to 1 while developing your map. Once map development is finished, I would suggest setting this back to 0 before release - otherwise cheating will be very easy on your map, which will make player ranks less valuable and meaningful. |
In this guide I will be using Adobe Photoshop CS5, but any editor capable of opening PNG files will do. I suggest using Photoshop so that you can fully utilize the provided PSD templates.
Navigate to root/texture_assets/ugx_mod and Open ugx_mod_main_menu_template.psd , If you are not using Photoshop, open non-photoshop_main_menu.png . The PNG will allow you to add a background to the text. I will not cover this in the guide, as it is very basic. Instead I will show Photoshop editing since I would hope that is what most people choose to do.
Once you are done editing the template to your liking:
You may change the background in this file or whatever you would like to do. Once again, please leave the existing logos and text alone.
Save it the same way you saved the first template, overwriting the loadscreen JPG this time .
Before the changes to the menu images take effect, we need to convert the JPG files into a format that CoD5 will read. Open Launcher and then click the Asset Manager button.
In Asset Manager:
Your menu JPGs have now been converted to a format for CoD5, but there is still one more step:
Select those two files and copy them to your clipboard.
Navigate to root/mods/mapname/images . and paste the files. Press Copy and Replace to overwrite the old files.
Finally to finish the main menu editing we must recompile UGX Mod and your maps iwd:
Open Launcher and go to the Mod Builder tab.
Select your map from the dropdown list. Ensure that only "Build IWD" is checked , and in the right-side box verify that the new "images" folder is selected .
Press Build MOD and wait for the process to complete.
Select ugx_mod from the dropdown list. Ensure that only Build FF is checked .
In UGX Mod Standalone there are many gamemode settings which can be changed if you wish. The default settings were personally chosen by the developers to provide the ideal out-of-the-box experience for developers, but you are free to change whatever you wish. If you want to customize the UGX Mod experience on your map:
This file contains virtually all configurable settings for UGX Mod. Among the most popular settings to change will probably be the boss setting and the Gun Game gun tier list. All settings in this file have explanations above them or beside them. There is also function documentation at the end of the file, so I will not go into detail about editing this file. Once you are finished editing, save and close the file. WinRAR will prompt you to update the file in the archive, select Yes to allow this change.
Now you are finished configuring UGX Mod.
If you wish to port your custom scripts to UGX Mod, you will want to edit the files within ugx_mod.iwd and ugxm_guns.iwd , respectively. Generally if you need to call a custom function or file, you can still call them from your mapname.gsc, which is not edited by UGX Mod. UGX Mod is cleverly called from early on in the script flow, before the engine even runs your mapname.gsc. There is also a function at the end of ugxm_user_settings.gsc called post_load(), which you can call scripts from. This function runs after the menu gamemode selection has finished and the gameplay starts.
In order to use random boxes with UGX Mod, you will need to use the provided prefabs. There is a prefab for the start box, and then a copy/paste prefab for any remaining random boxes. You will also need to use our Pack-a-Punch prefab, our wall-weapon chalks, and any other prefabs you find in the later versions of UGX Mod Standalone.
If you want to use a PaP machine in your map, you must use our prefab. Keep in mind that in order for a PaP machine to work in any map, there must be at least one perk machine and a properly placed power switch, which I will not cover in this tutorial. If you want to have a moving PaP machine:
After stamping the prefab, select it's trigger which has the targetname 'zombie_vending_upgrade '. You will see the KVP 'script_string' set to zero on each prefab you stamp. This is the PaP machine's number. The PaP machine set to zero will spawn first, and then any other location will be chosen at random. Select each of your PaP prefabs and increase the number by 1 each time. So for five PaP locations, you should have a _prefab for each of these script_string numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
In order for the Sentry Turret powerup to work, you must:
Place _prefabs/ugx_mod/ in your map somewhere. I usually stick it underground somewhere, but it doesn't matter where you place it.
You can also place wall purchases for UGX Mod weapons in your map. As of Standalone v1.0.3, 22 preconfigured weapon spawns are included. They can be found in _prefabs/ugx_mod/weapons . Placing these should be self explanatory. Making your own prefab should also be self explanatory.
Now you may save and close your map.
Open Launcher and recompile your map in order for the changes to take effect.
When getting ready to do the first full compile of your new UGX Mod-enabled map, you need to create a CoD Project Mover (CPM) file for it. This file is basically a project file that you can open whenever you need to compile your map. I usually just leave CPM running in the background and switch to it every time I need to update my compile.
Replace any occurrence of ' MAPNAME ' with your map folder name, and replace any occurrence of ' USERNAME ' with your computer user name (shown on your Start Menu). See Fig. 2.
Rename the ugx_project_example.cpm file to whatever your mapname is. This is just for organization's sake, it does not matter what the name of the file is.
Lastly you need to compile your UGX Mod mod.ff for the first time, since your menu settings and menu images need to be compiled into it:
Now you have created your UGX Mod mod.ff and are ready to continue to the next section. You do not need to repeat the above steps unless you start a new map.
You will need to do these steps AFTER EVERY COMPILE YOU DO IN LAUNCHER . Even if you are compiling a file that is not relevant to your map, it will still break your UGX Mod map until you repeat the below steps.
Done! You are now ready to boot your map.
You did not install the viewhands patch for UGX Mod v1.0.x which can be found here (follow instructions in topic for installation).
You did not compile the UGX Mod mod.ff and correctly move it to your map's folder. See section 5.1 for compiling the mod.ff and section 5.2 for moving it.
You did not move your project after compiling. Complete the steps of section 5.2 .
First, check your mapname's folder for a file called dlc3_weapons.iwd. If this file exists, delete it from both C:/Users/AppData/Local/Activision/CoDWaW/mods/MAPNAME and root/mods/MAPNAME/
If you used the UGX Script Placer to generate your map, there is a known bug with UGX Mod due to one of the newer script placer updates. If your map was generated before v1.1.3 of the UGX Script Placer then this does not apply to you.
An include within your maps CSV generated by the script placer will cause your map to be over the sound limit for the engine. Until a patch is generated you can fix this by going into "root/zone_source/ MAPNAME .csv" and changing this line:
This call includes dog sounds for v1.4 maps, and is not required for use within a UGX-MOD modded map.
If that doesn't solve it, you either:
a) Did not create your mapname_ignore.csv correctly or did not recompile your map afterwards (see section 2.1 ),
b) Added a TON of custom sounds and exceeded the limit.
First, check your mapname's folder for a file called dlc3_weapons.iwd. If this file exists, delete it from both C:/Users/AppData/Local/Activision/CoDWaW/mods/MAPNAME and root/mods/MAPNAME/
If that doesn't solve it, you either:
a) Did not create your mapname_ignore.csv correctly or did not recompile your map afterwards (see section 2.1 ),
b) Added a TON of custom models + materials and exceeded the limit.
First, check your mapname's folder for a file called dlc3_weapons.iwd. If this file exists, delete it from both C:/Users/AppData/Local/Activision/CoDWaW/mods/MAPNAME and root/mods/MAPNAME/
If that doesn't solve it, you either:
a) Did not create your mapname_ignore.csv correctly or did not recompile your map afterwards (see section 2.1 ),
b) Added a TON of custom fx and exceeded the limit.
Did you compile your map's patch ff? If not, do so. If you did, then you need to download UGX Modtools Patch from this page and install it.
A. You did not compile the UGX Mod mod.ff.See section 5.1 for compiling the mod.ff and section 5.2 for moving it.
A. It is very important that you make sure your map does not use any gsc files which UGX Mod is already modifying. For example, if your mod has it's own _loadout.gsc in the iwd, or it's own _zombiemode.gsc, they need to be excluded from the iwd compile in order for UGX Mod to work. GSC customizations need to be moved into ugx_mod.iwd's _zombiemode.gsc. This should not be difficult for most people, since you have to have a basic knowledge of scripting to have even modified _zombiemode.gsc in the first place (I would hope).
A.When you want to compile a map without UGX Mod loaded into it, you need to rename your "ui" folder to "ui - UGX_MOD" and rename the "ui - ORIGINAL" folder to ""ui". Same goes for "ui_mp". Then you need to go into /root/zone_source/ and rename zombiemode.csv to zombiemode.ugx and dlc3.csv to dlc3.ugx, then rename zombiemode.original to zombiemode.csv, and dlc3.original to dlc.csv. Lastly remove ugx_mod.iwd, ugxm_guns.iwd, localized_common.ff, and localized_mapname.ff from your root/mods/mapname folder and appdata/mods folder. To go back to UGX Mod compile mode, reverse these steps. You are basically just swapping between the stock ui + csv and the ugx_mod ui + csv.
A. UGX Mod cannot be installed unless you are the developer and compiler of the map. You must be using our custom dlc3.csv and zombiemode.csv, and you must make sure you properly renamed the root/zone_source/english/assetlist/mapname_ignore.csv to match your map's ff name.
A. This is a minor side effect of using the CoD4 font in WaW - ignore this issue, it will look fine in-game. If you plan on leaving UGX Mod Standalone installed for a while, back up root/images/gamefonts_pc.iwi, then copy/paste ugx_mod.iwi/images/gamefonts_pc.iwi to root/images/ .
A. You did not install/compile the UGX Mod mod.ff to your map correctly. Follow the instructions again, slowly and carefully this time.
A. This error is just a CSV typo. It can be safely ignored.
Credits: Treminaor