In this tutorial we will be learning how to add a solo button to the main menu when your mod has been launched. Many users have problems figuring out how to launch the map from the console, as well as just generally find it more convenient to have a nice simple way to start the map.
Open the renamed file with your preferred text editor and navigate to line 457, the line should look something like this:
Replace the line with this:
Once replaced you must now edit the line to work for your map. Change *MAPNAME to your map's name(Ex: "nazi_zombie_420"), and change SOLO_BUTTON_TEXT to whatever text you would like to show on the main menu. Here's an example:
You must now tell the game that you want to use this newly created menu file.
Create a new line and paste in:
You must then edit the line to work for your map by replacing * MAPNAME with the name of your map, here's an example:
Once this is done you may now build your mod. If done correctly you should now have a solo button on the main menu once you have launched your mod, congrats! 🙂
Credit: SajeOne