With UGXSMF v0.8.6-beta (Forum Update) UGX introduces reactions.
You can now react to any forum message, as long as you and the forum message meets certain criterias.
[1] A reaction is considered as started if you are the first one who adds
this reaction to the entity.
The starter is always the first person who has added the reaction and the
limit was implemented to avoid that one users can block further reactions.
Each user can view his reaction activity on his profile. Direct link: https://www.ugx-mods.com/forum/profile/area=reactions
Click on the Add Reaction icon ( ) and select your reaction. A green flash will indicate a successful update.
You can either do it the same as you would add a new reaction, or simply click on the reaction itself.
You can remove it directly on the message by clicking the reaction itself.
There is also the option to remove any reaction through your reaction activity on your profile.
You can hover over an reaction to view the first 3 users who reacted with this reaction.
To view all users, hover over the reactions (only required for desktop view)
and click on the "reactions" menu.
On click a modal appears with all reactions on the left and a userlist of all
users who reacted with this reaction.