This update fixes all known issues from the site overhaul release and some
improvements were made.
General Improvements
@mention user now uses a bcc tag instead of generating a link
Registration form page 1 will distinguish the age restriction buttons
better now
Also added an example and better instructions for a signed coppa
Download file buttons do show the hostname now:
Fixed footer not staying at the bottom caused by wrong stage environment
- Fixed a couple of typos
Fixed invalid html document caused by error in index file on
- Fixed double scrollbar on code blocks
- Fixed missing board icons
- Fix coppa form "no access error" due to bug in SMF core
Fix attachments url (plugin bug) - download of attachments should be
possible for all odd filenames again 😉
- Reduce reported error clutter in sentry
- fixed a couple of js and php errors happening in rare cases
fix color scheme & emoji style selection and selected value display
- user mention uses a new bbc tag + styling for it
- removed stumbleupon from ugx_share widgets
Fix critical bug in SEO Plugin which hopefully fixes malformed urls
Fix white pages with "content not found" - The normal 404 page
will be shown now 👍
Error report sending will only be mentioned if it actually sent one.
- fix white bg color in ckeditor select fields (now dark blue)
Enabled 3rd party social authentications (login & registration)
(most of them)
Fixed cache issues with service worker and introduce a new update popup
to reload all tabs at once
Fix page loading throbber does appear if you want to download a file
- Fixed issue with email check on the registration form
- Fixed CKEditor url paste caused a crash
CKEditor recognizes emojis from (pasted) Discord message and other
tools properly now
On CKEditor crash the submit / save button is functional now and you
can actually save content with the legacy editor
Image urls in CKEditor are decoded properly now (all images should
be properly displayed now)
- Fixed a couple of undefined variables in front & backend
We now use a local hosted instance (instead of google cdn) of workbox
for our service worker to hopefully overcome some blocking issues
Updated to brand new stable released@sentry/browser sdk (replacing the
legacy raven-js client)
CKEditor issues will be also reported to sentry now, which helps us
to identify the root issue better 👍
- Updated other dependencies as well
improved deployment by excluding Smileys & Emojis by default
(reducing overall size of release package for faster deployments)
(Not all changes are listed here, always check the highlights above)
Supported Browsers / Devices
- Currently only Firefox & Chrome has been heavily test.
- Internet Explorer 11 & Edge has been partially tested.
- There was no extensive testing on mobile devices yet
We need your feedback if something isn't working on your device
HTML Emails:
Outlook has some quirks (odd spacing around the email) - Blame the
developers of it for using the Word HTML rendering engine
We will listen to community feedback as usual ❤️ .
The focus is now on stability and maintenance for a while.
We look into performance and try to get rid of the 502 errors
More time imto the
UGX Launcher
and UGX Play will be put and hopefully some new announcement about it will be
made in the upcoming weeks.
To get a complete overview of our development plans, visit