We finally have pretty HTML emails in our nice blue design
These emails will randomly mix with the old ones, because mail sending
is mostly from the non-beta site, which doesn't have them YET.
We changed our sending email from
@ugx-mods.com for our new emails!
Fixed some pretty annoying bugs with SEO redirect and Notifications (Alerts)
popup 👍
Boards, Topics, Urls which do not exists will show a proper error page now!
The beta site should have a
now as well 🙂
CKEditor improvements and fixes were made. It's considered ready for Open
Beta now!
Search Engine Optimizations were made -
you will notice this when you link a forum url
in Discord, Skype, Twitter, etc. (preview image, preview text, ...)
Development / Staff changes:
Moderators can now faster hide unwanted posts in the Moderation Center
Testing Tool for html emails and work on E2E tests for CKEditor and such
We await (your) community feedback now ❤️ While working on additional
improvements and features, the feedback from the community will be put
together into more frequent updates.
The next update (v0.6.1-donor-beta) will add some features and improvements:
Sortable search, topic preview and search within a topic. For our staff /
admins the userlist will be improved.
2018 is just starting and we have lot's of more in the pipeline! Open Beta